
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Goal Plan.

The SMART goal system can ensure that you accomplish the goals you set for yourself. SMART is an acronym; Specific, Measurable, Action, Realistic, and Time. We use these terms to qualify our goal as SMART. Goals need to be specific because we can than prepare and advance toward our achivement. A vague goal will be hard to accomplish. A measurable goal can tell us when we have completed our goal. If we do not know when we are done, then how can we accomplish it? Each person should have goals for which they can take action toward accomplishment. Taking action toward our goals is nessesary to success and that is why SMART goals are action oriented. A SMART goal is also realistic. Time limits need to be set on our goals otherwise, we may push them off forever. Accomplishing our goals gives us a sense of self-worth and motivates. Failure can do just the opposite. Using the SMART goal system we can accomplish our goals and stay motivated, even during difficult economic times.

A summer goal:

A long term goal:

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